Sunday, July 1, 2012

simple ruby motion app

RubyMotion is a revolutionary toolchain for iOS. 
It lets you quickly develop and test native iOS applications for iPhone or iPad, all using the awesome Ruby language.

RubyMotion apps are created and later maintained from the terminal command-line. A RubyMotion project is based on the Rake tool and can be configured by editing its Rakefile.

RubyMotion is built on top of iOS. You have access to the entire set of public iOS APIs and can also use 3rd-party Objective-C libraries or Gems. You keep your favorite text editor.

Run your app in the iOS simulator. An interactive shell is available for introspection, live coding and debugging. The features of your app can be covered by functional and integration specs

Run your app on your iOS device. Submit development builds to TestFlight. Generate .ipa archives for Ad-Hoc distribution. Prepare a submission for the App Store.

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