So you should have something that looks like this.
The Easy Way
Okay so real quick I thought I would show you the easy way and show
you the problem I found with it. To quickly achieve this we just need to
set the cornerRadius on the UIView’s layer. So after setting the
backgroundColor for @rounded_rect I am going to add this line.
Awesome! We now have some rounded corners!
The Problem
Okay so this works out great for us if we need to quickly add rounded
corners to a view. But the problem comes when we add subviews that are
going to be in the area of those rounded corners. To show you this I am
going to add another UIView as a subview to our @rounded_rect view. We
will call this @non_rounded_subview, I am going to make this subview the
same size as its parent and color it red by adding the following.
OH NOES! Where did our rounded corners go?
Our rounded corners are still there, however the parent views rounded
corners do not clip the child view. To show this better I will set the
backgroundColor of @non_rounded_subview to have a slight transparent to
better show this.
So the easy way works great if you just need some simple rounded
corners and arent going to be placing anything over them. However in my
case I needed the rounded corners of the parent view to clip the child
view. The solution I came up with ended up being even greater then I
expected, not only cliping child views but giving me alot more control
over the corners. To accomplish this I used UIBezierPath and
CAShapeLayer to create a layer mask and then applied the layer mask to
the parent view (@rounded_rect). To do this I removed the following line
And our rounded corners are back and better than ever!!!
The cornerRadii for the UIBezierPath is where we set how much extreme
we want our corners rounded. The first value of the CGSizeMake is a
float for the width of your corner radius, the other being a float for
the height of your corner radius. So you can change those values to
something like
And you will end up with something a little different.
You also have more control in which corners actually get the rounding
by editing the “byRoundingCorners” value. I currently have that set to
UIRectCornerAllCorners. Which we can set to UIRectCornerAllCorners,
UIRectCornerTopLeft, UIRectCornerTopRight, UIRectCornerBottomLeft,
UIRectCornerBottomRight or any combonation of these seperated by a pipe (
| ). For example to round only the top left and bottom right corners I
would change the following.
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